Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla, High Court Justice Gan and CM Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu will be seen playing cricket on Saturday. In Himachal, message against drug addiction will be given through cricket. By giving the message of 'Don't take drugs, adopt sports', the campaign against drugs in the society will be given a new direction. CM Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu will inaugurate the Sadbhavna Cricket Tournament on Saturday. The final match in this event will be held on Sunday, December 8.
Teams of Governor XI, Chief Justice XI, CM XI and Press XI will participate in the Sadbhavna Cricket Tournament. This event will be held in the famous school Bishop Cotton of Shimla under the banner of Snow Sports and Cultural Organization. General Secretary of the organization Hardayal Bhardwaj has invited Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla for this event. Meanwhile, CM Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu did net practice in Shimla. CM Sukhwinder Singh reached Bishop Cotton School in Sukhu Shimla and did net practice. CM Sukhu practiced batting wearing pads and helmet.
This event happens every year. The purpose of the tournament is to give a message against drug abuse. Youth in Himachal are getting trapped in the trap of drugs. A message will be given through this event to make them inclined towards sports instead of drugs. It is noteworthy that Himachal Pradesh High Court has also issued orders from time to time to the state governments to run active campaigns against drugs.
High Court judges also participate enthusiastically in this event. People associated with media also participate in cricket tournaments. CM Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu congratulated the organizers on this occasion and said that their efforts will attract the youth towards sports.
Also read: CM Sukhu called cabinet meeting on December 12, Bhota Hospital case will be discussed in the meeting.
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