Chittorgarh Cricket competition of Dangi Patel Samaj Chittor will be organized from 25 to 31 December. Sports Minister of the institute, Manganiram Dangi said that the 12th cricket competition of the society will be organized at the school playground of Tejpura village of Bhadesar tehsil. on cricket
On this occasion, acting District President of the institute Ratan Dangi Thikriya, Vice President Raju Amarana, Laxman Tejpura, former President Natwar Dangi, General Secretary Kailash Bansa, Sarpanch representative Prakash Orwadia, Prabhulal Tejpura, Hiralal Khodip, Ramesh Khor, Jasraj Maira, Radheshyam Amarana, Lokesh Nogawa, Organizing Committee Member, Kailash, Kishan Dangi, Vajeram, Mangilal, Ratan Tejpura etc. members and officials were present.
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