Ranchi. In RDCA Under-14 cricket, Bajra CA and Kerala School won their respective matches on Wednesday. In the first match of the day played at Sukurhuttu ground, Bajra CA defeated Tarun Sangam Kids by 228 runs. Playing first, Bajra scored 287 runs for five wickets. For the team, Vaibhav Jha contributed 98 runs, Yuvraj contributed 95 not out and Arnav contributed 32 runs. Amant Singh of Tarun Sangam Kids took three wickets for 43 runs. In reply, Tarun Sangam's team was out for 59 runs. Only Jeet Bajaj could contribute 15 runs for the team. For Bajra, Pritam Munda and Abhishek Kumar took two wickets each giving 10 and 02 runs respectively. In the second match of the day played at Nehru Stadium, Kerala School team was out for 94 runs. Aman scored 15 not out, Arnav scored 13 and Adyot Sinha scored 12 runs. For Vivekananda School, Aarav took four wickets for 10 runs, while Rishu Kumar and Priyanshu took two wickets each for 22 and 24 runs respectively. In reply, Vivekananda School team was out for 92 runs. Vicky scored 18 runs and Pratyush Amrit scored 11 runs for the team. Dev Singh and Adyot Sinha took three wickets each giving nine and 12 runs respectively. Aryan got two wickets for 11 runs.
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