The two-day Aditya Box Cricket organized by Rotary Club Jaipur Bapunagar came to a spectacular and colorful conclusion on Monday. Advocate Ashok Goyal, President of Rotary Club Jaipur said that Rotary Club Jaipur North won the cup. Runner up was Rotary Club Dausa.
Basant Jain, Secretary of Rotary Club Jaipur Bapunagar, said that a total of 19 matches were played in the two-day tournament. In which along with league matches, quarter-final and semi-final matches were held.
District Governor Rakhi Gupta, PDG Ajay Kala, District General Secretary Alok Aggarwal, Rotary Club Bapu Nagar President Advocate Ashok Goyal and Secretary Basant Jain, Tournament Chairman PC Sanghi, Convenor Brijesh Gupta presented the winner trophy to the winning team. Trophy was also given. Man of the series was Bharat Bhushan of Rotary Club North.
Rotary District Governor Rakhi Gupta congratulated the winning team and thanked Rotary Club Jaipur Bapu Nagar and Rotary Club Jaipur for hosting the tournament. More than 500 Rotary members enjoyed the tournament. Neeraj Aggarwal, Sudhir of Rotary Jain Dinesh Buzz, Chandra Mahajan Anil Jain, Rotary Club's first lady Mamta Gulab, Nirmala Jain, Usha Gupta etc. were also present.
See photos here
The runner-up team had a great time at the award ceremony.
Players were also rewarded after the box tournament.
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