Buxar's daughter Tejaswini has been selected in the Bihar Under-17 women's cricket team for the state level cricket competition to be held in Rajasthan in January 2025. On this achievement, a welcome ceremony was organized at Buxar School of Cricket Academy located in Kathakouli of Industrial Police Station area. On this occasion, Academy coach Amit Kumar Singh alias Prince and Director Anand Choubey welcomed him by garlanding him and feeding him sweets. Many parents and academy players including Abhishek Chaubey, Rishu Thakur, state player Arun Yadav were present in this program. Rajeev Thakur, father of Tejaswini, a resident of Charitravan Mohalla of the city, expressed happiness over his daughter's achievement and said that his daughter is a student of class 6 in the middle school located in Akhauripur Gola of Chausa. He told that the daughter has been practicing daily at Buxar School of Cricket Academy for the last seven months.
Future hopes: This success of Tejaswini has also inspired other young players of Buxar. It is expected that she will bring glory to her district and state by performing excellently in the competition to be held in Rajasthan.
Coach's support: Family and coach played an important role in Tejaswini's success. Father Rajeev Thakur said that Tejaswini has achieved this position with her hard work and dedication. Coach Amit Kumar Singh said that Tejaswini has a keen interest in cricket and a passion for hard work. He expressed hope that she would also perform better in the competition to be held in Rajasthan.
There is an atmosphere of enthusiasm among the local people on this achievement. Academy director Anand Chaubey said that this is a proud moment for Buxar. He also advised other players to take inspiration from Tejaswini.
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